
Produktionen Viktorion Eckstein

Linienstrasse 149
10115 Berlin

Represented by:
Frank Räthel

+49(0)30 28 04 48 04
+49(0)30 24 63 20 66

VAT registration number:
VAT registration number §27 of the value added tax act:
DE 136 839 906

Wirtschafts-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §139 c Abgabenordnung:
56 772 093140

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The content of our website has been created with the utmost care. However, we assume no guarantee for any of the information given. As a service provider we are (according to § 7 Abs.1 TMG) responsible for the content of our website. However, as a service provider we are not obligated to control or investigate the circumstances that hint to unlawful activities concerning submitted externally stored information, this according to §§ 8 bis 10 TMG. Any obligations to remove or block the usage of information based on the general law remain uneffected from this. A liability concerning this matter can only be carried out from the moment of being aware of a specific unlawful act. With the acknowledgment of a corresponding infringement we will immediately delete those contents.

Liability with regard to links
Our website contains links to third party websites. We are not responsible for their content and can therefore not guarantee for it. Linked websites are independent and not subject to our supervision. At the time of the linking we have checked the websites for violations of the law. Unlawful actions could not be found at the time of the linking. A constant control check to linked websites is (without the indication of right violations) unreasonable. With the acknowledgment of any right violations we will immediately delete those links.

All the content and items/works displayed on our website are property of their registered owners. The reproduction, copying, editing, or any kind of exploitation beyond the copyright regulations need the written agreement of the corresponding owner or originator. Downloads or any kind of copies from this site are only allowed for privat use, NOT for commercial usage! If the copyright is not owned by the holder of this site, the copyright stays with the third party/ the originaor. Content of third parties will be marked as such. In case you become aware of any copyright violations we kindly ask for your notification. With the acknowledgment of any copyright violations we will immediately delete the respective content.

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